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Don't be assimlated

Don't get assimilated into the BORG!

Here's an Admission that on 7/7

they were practising terrorist exercises on the very same London train stations,

on the very same morning the bombs went off.

RT. (Russia Today) short doco/news report on the latest events ​like the Boston Bombing that main stream media is not telling you.

FBI admits of the 20 Terrorist attacks

in the last ten years 17 were encouraged,

funded and permitted by the FBI.

Is the Main Stream Media really giving you the

FACTS or JUST What You Want To Hear?​

After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with

Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that

every major terror plot on American soil in the

past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.

The unauthorized history of Google.

Find out why Google is not your friend.


In this video, Dane Wigington gives a

presentation on the  catastrophic programs

being done to our planet's 

atmosphere in the name of Geoengineering,

who's scientists have no concern whatsoever

about the consequences to humanity

or any living thing, including themselves.

Monsanto is a ruthless company feared and reviled by the public in equal measure.  Now,

a new movement is seeking to galvanize grassroots resistance to the corporation, and derail its agenda.

Agenda 21:

How Will It Affect New Zealand?

It's here in NZ. Attacking the same rights as in the States.

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